Are dobsonian telescopes good for viewing planets?

The Dobsonian-mounted Newtonian is a simple push to altaz mount for visual observing. However, using the reflector as an imaging device will allow you to take images of both solar system objects and deep sky targets with RegiStax or Autostakkert.

The Dobsonian design is simple. It’s a pure reflector without any issues with color distortion or ghosting, and the obstruction in its center tends to be smaller than other types of mirrors such as Schmidt-Cass.

but the question arises is that  Are dobsonian telescopes good for viewing planets?

To capture videos of moving objects, such as planets and stars that pass between us and the Earth’s camera lens every night, we must use a method called drifting.This can be accomplished with no driven mount by capturing multiple short video sequences while following it through space at 15 arc seconds per second – about 1/10th speed in relation to earth’s rotation which means our planet will drift along for 30 minutes before coming back around again.

In order not have any smearing from drifts when stacking images together after they’ve been taken during even longer exposures (upwards towards 3 hours!), you’ll need faster.

There are few windows that allow for videos to be recorded, but it’s also limited by the amount of rotation smearing.

how long you can image the planets:

Venus – No real limit.

Mars-Five minutes.

Jupiter- Five Minutes.

Saturn Ten Minutes.

A Barlow lens is used to enlarge the planet’s image. The magnification you can get with one will depend on many factors, including how high or low their focal distance are from where it needs be focused. If they aren’t in focus at all then only part of what’s being observed through your scope will end up enlarged which means lower detail when viewing stars next door compared with extremely close objects like Jupiter for example – don’t forget about using an impactor if possible.

Achieving an effective focus is not easy with the drift method, as it’s difficult to predict where a planet will be in your frame. You could benefit from using a camera that has more pixels and takes advantage of its bigger chip size so you can capture higher percentage shots

Although getting photos without much focusing error isn’t impossible by any means–you just need some luck! The driver-driven approach really lets me pull out all those pesky little details though; even when I don’t quite catch them dead center on first try or two.

Imagine if you could get rid of all that pesky distortion. You’d be able to zoom in on an object with fantastic clarity!.With a driven scope, this isn’t just possible – it’s reality thanks to the innovation and engineering behind our lenses which are designed for better image scaling at higher magnifications without sacrificing resolution or field stops ( magnification).

Gathering more frames will reduce noise in any given photo since they don’t need be repeated when moving from start point if Go To system is fitted for Dobsonians who are push-to scopes anyway – how do these work? One way would involve fitting their own equatorial platform onto it or placing camera on an existing one that’s been adapted with specific equipment necessary such as computerized mounts etcetera.

Are dobsonian telescopes good for viewing planets

For deep sky photos, neither long exposure nor planetary imaging is probably enough. But because of the frame-to-frame alignment capability in stacking programs like Registax 6 and Photoshop CS5+, both types can produce good quality end results with just one photo!

The Go-To mount will allow you to quickly find your target and record videos of the planet in motion. The best part about this is that it should compensate for any inaccuracies with its own motors, so all we need do now is keep an eye on what’s going down.

When you are deep-sky imaging, it is much easier to avoid any problems with planet rotation. However if combining videos of different length then the field rotation could become noticeable over 10 or 20 minutes depending on how quickly your camera moves relative to stars in an open sky setting like outer space where there isn’t as much light pollution from city lights back home near Earth’s surface.

Capturing images with the drift method:

To reduce thermal currents in the scope, set it up and allow to cool. Then collimate as normal with these steps: connect a digital video camera into your telescope so that you can see what’s happening through both eyes or just one; focus critically on Polaris while looking at laptop screen which will not move during focusing process because of how close we are able view through this type instrumentation.

With a finder scope, align on Polaris and check that you have chosen an exposure settings for when it is in the middle of your frame. The brightness should be about 70 to 80 per cent saturation level with 50-75 gain maximum.

To record an image of the night sky, begin by positioning your scope so that you can view both its cross wires-the little lines in front of which are called finders. Now place this near where you plan on capturing footage; make sure they’re focused along with one another (not at different levels). When there’s no light pollution around to obscure what should be visible through them then hit record ! Once everything looks good go ahead and start recording – focus on anything from stars and planets down to satellites.

Join your videos together using PIPP’s ‘Join’ mode. With the Object Detection and Centre functions, you can keep everything in frame while eliminating empty frames. Process this output video with RegiStax or Autostakkert to finish it off beautifully for YouTube consumption (or whatever media device.

The equatorial approach of telescope:

Mounting your Dobsonian on an equatorial platform is the second option and gives you true, Permanent Equatorial Movement. The mount maintains low center of gravity like GoTo Drive Method but as soon as find target it stays put in field even if turned off or disconnected from controller so scope remains aligned with night sky’s rotation.

A commercial equatorial platform can be used to turn your DSLR into a fully tracked camera. These are available from many different suppliers and generally range in latitudes, but for planetary imaging it is important that the drive system has absolute accuracy so there isn’t any parallax error during shots taken at varying angles on one subject.

One of the most important characteristics of a telescope drive system, if you want to achieve full high-resolution images is that vibration should have no affect on your viewing experience.

Are dobsonian telescopes good for viewing planets? The quest for perfect imaging means looking out for any signs or vibrations which could cause distortion and blurriness in an otherwise crystal clear image. While equatorial platforms often use stepper motors as their main drives there’s always danger they’ll produce unwanted side effects like bashing against rock fixtures while moving across uneven terrain–this can lead not only towards blurry photographs but also headaches from constant motion discomfort.

Vibration will cause the smooth path to start resembling a saw-tooth.

The equatorial platform is one of the more confusing types, but it’s nothing compared to some other mounts. It has an obvious rotation axis and doesn’t need any special care like regular trackers do.

You can check reviews of telescopes here


The Dobsonian-mounted Newtonian is a great telescope for visual observing. But, if you want to take images of solar system objects or deep sky targets with RegiStax or Autostakkert (or other software), the reflector can be used as an imaging device too! If this sounds like something that interests you, check out our page on how to choose your  first telescope and let us know what questions need answered about telescopes in general by contacting one of our experts today.