How to clean scratched Schmidt Cassegrains Telescope When these instruments get scratched up, it can be difficult to use them because of how critical the lenses are when capturing images. There are a few ways you can clean your telescope without damaging it any further or causing other problems with how you see through it.
Ways to clean scratched Schmidt Cassegrains Telescope
The glass corrector plate on an SCT can become dusty and appear to require cleaning. It is a delicate piece of optical glass with multicoating that you want be very careful about touching or wiping, as it may scratch the coatings. There’s general agreement among professionals not to clean unless absolutely necessary because doing so could result in smudges being transferred from one part of the scope into another- potentially harming its transmissivity (efficiency).
If you live in a humid climate, it’s important to clean your corrector plate (and eyepieces) often because dust will cause dew buildup. If there are too many condensation sites on the surface for this type of mistral condition-which is what we have here with me today-, then observing can become extremely difficult due sloppy optics and shaky hands; your eyesight may even start suffering if mistakes get made during an observation session where objects seem blurry at times.
Before you clean your telescope, make sure that the lens is dust free and remove all residue. You will need a camel-hair brush to do this as well as one from any good department store selling women’s cosmetics for makeup application purposes only! Once everything has been cleaned thoroughly inside of it, simply use some alcohol wipes on both exterior surfaces (the outside) until they shine like new again – or bin them if their condition isn’t up-to snuff just yet
Alternatively, you can remove dust using a can of “compressed air”. Now there is some disagreement about this because many people have experienced leaking and dropping the liquid onto their correctors when using them with an umbrella-style compressed duster like what I use which holds only CO2 gas instead of other forms.
Such as pressurized oil or hairspray coming out into contact with delicate glass surfaces near optics where dirt accumulates quickly without dusty conditions anywhere else nearby too much potential airborne particulate matter floating around outside either way most importantly don’t forget to wear gloves.
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A second choice is Radio Shack’s “Velocity.” The X-tremeGeek system uses compressed carbon dioxide cartridges with no propellant or additives at all, and the RadioShack version will not have any of those anti static agents which can be dangerous if they come into contact with your optics.
Jay Faircloth an experienced scope user has written instructions on how to use a canned air for cleaning – click here download his excellent text file containing these exact steps.
Third, if you decide to use a liquid cleaner (more on that below) the best tissue with your cleaning solution is Kleenex brand unscented tissues – these are softer and less likely to scratch glass than other types.
Even KimWipes can be abrasive for those who have sensitive eyes so opt instead for more gentle options such as bath tissue or even pure cotton handkerchiefs which tend not only has no scent but also absorb very little moisture from their wearer’s breathe making them perfect when it comes time wipe off any excess mist after application of moisturizer/make up remover combo!
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Cleaning the corrector
The purveyors of high-quality optics recommend a solution containing 60% isopropyl alcohol and 40% distilled water to which one or two drops liquid dish soap may be added. Meade’s instructions are similar, but they require that you mix 3/4ths (90%) with 2 1/2 cup each – enough for about three full washings at least.
I hear that plain Windex works well as a glass cleaner. This is true for those who work with optical glasses professionally, and I’m not making this up! The only thing you should note when using different brands of cleaners on your corrective lenses (other than the recommended ones) would be their potential to damage antireflection coatings if too strong or leave behind residues like other cheaper products may do.
Use compressed air to clean out large particles and dirt
Canned compressed gas like Dust-Off contains a variety of compounds that can damage and even eliminate optical quality. The best way to use it (and avoid any scratches) is by following these guidelines:
1) Never shake the can before using, as this will cause both dust particles in your line or optics as well as deposits atop them; always vent away from sensitive equipment with at least 15 feet between you and any such area for safety’s sake
(This should go without saying but we recommend proper ventilation anyway just because humans tend not work quite right when working too closely together).
2a ) For those times where one must proceed quickly – remember never point directly down into an open flame.) b Patience during cleanup process secondarily depends.
Use cleaning solution to gently lift off any remaining dirt or smudges
If you want to clean your optics, the best solution is alcohol. Alcohol evaporates easily and does not cause problems with lacquers or non-metallic parts but it’s important for removing any adhesive residue from optical cement if used in telescope making because of its high affinity towards plastic surfaces like lenses where solvents such as water can dissolve metal components more quickly than they would on other materials such as wood frames which do have some hydrophilic properties along their grain boundaries.
so while we don’t really recommend using them on every occasion these types might work better when handling fragile looking stuffs.The alcohol can be used straight or you could add one or two drops of clear liquid dish-type soap (non-waxy) per quart to help lift off dirt and finger oils. However, too much will leave visible residues on your optics.
Use the solution to wet soft, plain tissue or cotton balls for larger optical surfaces
When cleaning your eyepieces, use the swab and wipe with little to no downward pressure in straight strokes across the surface while rotating. Repeat as needed until all visible oils are removed from any filters or lenses that have them on it; then finally shake off excess fluid onto another flat surface before storing away so you don’t contaminate other parts inside of their housing unit too much.
For mirrors used for viewing through optical instruments where there isn’t really anything else pressing against its face .Cleaning your optics is just as important for Schmidt–Cassegrain telescopes, but the process varies. Clean any minor spot with a swab/ball tissue mixture first to avoid scratching or damaging any surfaces that may be sensitive.
To clean lenses of smaller diameter in Refractor equipment use radial strokes from secondary mirror outwards while cleaning; repeat on both sides until satisfied with result before blowing off excess fluid gently using an air duster (or brush if available). Be mindful not only do we recommend gentle wiping along edges where there might’ve been contact between fingers during handling etc.,but also always make sure you wipe towards yourself rather than away.
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