A 70mm refracting telescope is a great tool for amateur astronomers. It’s powerful enough to view celestial objects such as the planets, galaxies, star clusters, and nebulae from our own Milky Way Galaxy. It’s also lightweight and relatively inexpensive, making it a perfect starter telescope for beginning astronomers. Let’s take a look at what you can see with a 70mm telescope!
What is a 70mm telescope?
A 70mm telescope is a type of refracting telescope that uses lenses to gather and focus light. It has a 70mm aperture, which is the diameter of the objective lens that gathers light. This size of the aperture is an ideal balance between portability and light-gathering power. It is small enough to be portable and easy to handle but big enough to provide clear and detailed views of celestial objects.
How does a 70mm telescope work?
A 70mm telescope works by using lenses to gather and focus light. The objective lens gathers light from the object being observed and brings it to focus at the eyepiece. The eyepiece magnifies the image, making it appear larger and more detailed. The magnification of a telescope is determined by the focal length of the objective lens and the eyepiece. By changing the eyepiece, the magnification can be adjusted to provide different levels of detail.
What Can You See with a 70mm Telescope?
A 70mm refracting telescope is capable of viewing many celestial objects in the night sky. The most impressive sights that can be viewed include the craters on the moon, Saturn’s rings, Jupiter’s four moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto), star clusters such as the Pleiades, and distant galaxies like the Andromeda Galaxy. Additionally, nebulae such as the Orion Nebula or Trifid Nebula can be seen with this type of telescope. With some practice and patience, you can even view nebulous features like dark dust lanes in spiral galaxies or wispy details in emission nebulae!
In addition to its views of deep-sky objects within our own Milky Way Galaxy, a 70mm refractor will allow you to view planets beyond our Solar System known as exoplanets. This type of telescope is especially useful for monitoring variable stars like Cepheids or RR Lyrae stars which have brightness variations that are easy to track over time.
Benefits of using a 70mm Telescope
Here are some Benefits of using a 70mm Telescope.
One of the biggest benefits of using a 70mm telescope is its portability. Unlike larger telescopes, a 70mm telescope is compact and lightweight, making it easy to transport and set up in different locations. This is especially beneficial for stargazers who like to travel to different locations for optimal viewing conditions, or for those who live in areas with light pollution and need to find darker skies.
Another major benefit of using a 70mm telescope is its affordability. A 70mm telescope is a great option for those who are just starting in astronomy and don’t want to invest a lot of money in a telescope. While a 70mm telescope may not have all the features of a larger, more expensive telescope, it still provides clear and detailed views of celestial objects at a fraction of the cost.
Ease of Use:
A 70mm telescope is also easy to use, making it a great option for beginners.
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A 70mm refracting telescope makes an ideal starter scope for amateur astronomers who want to experience views beyond those available through binoculars but don’t want to go too crazy with their initial investment into astronomy equipment! With some practice, you should be able to observe all sorts of interesting celestial wonders ranging from our neighboring planets in our Solar System to distant galaxies within our own Milky Way galaxy! So grab your scope and start exploring today!
Q: How much magnification does a 70mm telescope provide?
A: Generally speaking, telescopes provide 50x magnification per inch of aperture (diameter). Therefore, a 70mm telescope would provide approximately 350x magnification when used with an eyepiece providing 50x magnification. However, since the atmosphere limits how much light can pass through it at any given time (even on clear nights), magnifications higher than 250x do not usually provide any better image quality than magnifications lower than 250x.
Q: Is this type of telescope suitable for astrophotography?
A: While not ideal for astrophotography due to its small aperture size (70 mm), it would still be possible to capture images of brighter deep-sky objects like galaxies or star clusters. To improve your results when taking photographs through this type of scope, consider using an equatorial mount instead of an altazimuth mount or investing in an auto guider system so that your exposures are tracked accurately and precise focus is maintained throughout each exposure session.
Q: What is the best time to use a 70mm telescope?
A: The best time to use a 70mm telescope is on a clear and moonless night. It is also best to use it when the object you want to observe is at its highest point in the sky.
Q: How do I focus my 70mm telescope?
A: First, point the telescope at the object you want to observe. Then, adjust the focus knob until the image appears clear and sharp.
Q: Can I use a 70mm telescope for terrestrial viewing?
A: Yes, a 70mm telescope can also be used for terrestrial viewing. However, it may require an additional erecting prism or a diagonal to correct the image orientation.
Q: Is a 70mm telescope good for beginners?
A: Yes, a 70mm telescope is a great option for beginners. It is easy to handle, portable, and affordable, while still providing clear and detailed views of celestial objects.